Everything you need to know about StockX’s delivery process
How long does StockX take to transport?| For Buyers| For merchandisers
StockX receives your item from the dealer, verifies it, and vessels it to you, which means that StockX standard delivery generally takes between 7 and 12 business days. particulars bought shortly after their release day may take longer to transport because merchandisers are granted fresh time to accommodate shipping from the original retailer. Keep reading to learn all about StockX shipping, whether yo’re a Buyer who wants to know when your package will be delivered or a dealer wondering how the process works.
effects You Should Know .StockX standard delivery takes 7 to 12 business days. Xpress orders take 3 business days to deliver. Shippers generally have 2 business days to transport their item to the StockX Verification Center, but they might have up to 5 days if the item is recently released. Contact StockX client Support if you haven’t entered your item within the delivery window.
How long does StockX take to transport?
StockX generally takes 7 to 12 business days to deliver your item.
This 7 to 12- day shipping time frame takes into account the time it takes for the dealer to transport the item and the time the item spends in StockX’s Verification Centers. The quantum of time merchandisers take to transport your item might vary between 2 to 5 days.
particulars bought on or after the day they’re released may take longer because merchandisers are granted fresh time to accommodate shipping from the original retailerhigh-value. However, an estimated delivery window will appear before you confirm your purchase, If this happens. StockX business deals with high- value and rare products and wants to ensure that the particulars you buy on their point meet their internal quality norms.
StockX Xpress Boat orders are delivered within 3 business days.
Still, your item will be packed incontinently, If you match a dealer’s Ask price for an Express Ship item( indicated by a rocket icon next to the product table). Xpress Boat orders will be delivered to you within 3 business days.
The Xpress Boat option is presently limited to the United States and is presently only available for lurkers. Xpress Ship particulars have a$24.95 shipping figure —$ 10 further than the standard shipping rate. New merchandisers aren't presently being accepted into the Xpress Ship program. StockX Shipping Process for Buyers
Shippers generally have 2 full business days to transport standard particulars.
Once you buy an item, the dealer packages the item and drops it off for delivery within 2 days. still, merchandisers can request 1 fresh day to transport any order, and StockX can also give fresh business days to transport colorful new release particulars at their discretion.
The day you make your purchase doesn’t count as a full business day.
New release particulars ended on or shortly after their release date can have up to 5 total business days to transport 3 for new release shoes and streetwear and 5 for Supreme particulars. The dealer you buy from may be in a different time zone from you, meaning the exact time they've to transport your order depends on their position at the time of the trade. still, StockX will essay to link you to a new dealer, If a dealer doesn’t boat by their deadline. However, you'll be issued a full and complete refund to your original payment system, If they’re unfit to find a new dealer.
You’ll admit dispatch updates when your item is packed and delivered.
Still, anticipate to admit dispatch announcements from Stock X when your purchase is completed, If you ordered a standard item. You’ll also get a announcement when The dealer has packed your item to the Verification Center. Your item has been successfully vindicated and packed from the Verification Center. Your item has been delivered to you. You can also check the status of your order by subscribing to the StockX website and clicking My Account> Buying.
Contact StockX client Support if you haven’t entered your item.
Still, contact StockX client Support to file a claim, If it’s been further than 3 days since you’ve seen a shadowing update or your item is still in conveyance on the estimated delivery date. Include the type of issue( Buying), the sub-type ( Current Order or Purchase), and as important information as possible about the situation. still, StockX will launch a disquisition with the delivery carrier, which may take up to 10 business days from the launch of the disquisition, If there’s an issue with your item in conveyance. still, check with your neighbors or the frontal office of your structure, If your shadowing information says your package was delivered but you haven’t entered it. However, contact StockX so they can start a disquisition with the carrier If you’re still unable to find your package. StockX Shipping Process for Merchandisers
You’ll get a dispatch with your shipping deadline when your item is bought.
When a Buyer purchases your item on StockX, you’ll admit a dispatch with the deadline you need to transport the item. You can also see your deadline on the My Account> Selling> Pending runner. generally, as a dealer, you have 2 business days to transport your item. still, there may be exceptions for new-release products. still, you can request one 24-hour extension before the deadline, If you need further time. On the StockX website go to Selling> Pending, find the order, and click “ Extend ” in the “ Ship By ” column. You’ll admit an automatic “ Approved ” or “ Denied ” response. still, StockX will shoot you cautions, If you miss your shipping window. However, they’ll cancel your trade and you may be subject to a penalty If you still don’t board after entering their cautions.
Publish out the shipping marker and the tab and get a box.
On the My Account> Selling> Pending runner, access your shipping marker and tab and print both of them out. ( 12) Use a shipping box that's no further than 5 cm larger on any side than the box of the item you’re shipping. Place bubble serape or shipping paper inside around the edges of the item’s box. still, make sure you remove any old markers or stickers, If you’re using an old box. Remove any HAZMAT and warning markers from the outside of the box you use — StockX can not fairly accept any item with these markers still attached.
Place the tab outside and attach the shipping marker outside the box.
Put the tab inside the box with your item so that the StockX staff can corroborate the item. Tape recording all 4 edges of the shipping marker to the outside of the box so it can be scrutinized when you drop it off at the shipping position. Seal the box across all the seams on the top and bottom of the box using quilting tape recording( not masking tape recording, cellophane tape recording, conduit tape recording, string, or paper). still, place the Funko Pop! box in a snug-fitting plastic box or case before you place it into a shipping box, If you vend a Funko Pop!. Any damage to your box from shipping will void your trade.
Drop off your sealed box at StockX’s requested shipping carrier.
After you have duly packaged and sealed your item, deliver your box to the shipping carrier stated in the original deadline dispatch StockX transferred when your item was bought. You can also view this information on the My Account> Selling> Pending runner of the StockX website.